What are your hours of service?
A full breakdown of both our standard transport hours and our office hours are available on our pricing page along with details of any surcharges for out of hours work.
Do you move anything else besides dogs or cats?
Locally we can move all types of pets and small domestic animals, we may need to discuss specific arrangements with you for some creatures but we are very flexible and will do everything we can to accommodate any special requirements.
Do you provide services like medications to pets?
We can provide medications but we need to know what type before we can quote you. Call us for a discussion.
Our pet has passed away, are you able to assist in the necessary arrangements for its cremation?
Yes, just give us a call and we can advise you further. We can provide the pick-up and sending of your pet to the cremation centre.
What are your payment methods?
At present, we only accept only payment by cash & Pay now only.
If I am moving two pets is the price the same as for one?
There are no extra charges for sending up to two dog/cats. We will factor in additional handling time if required for more than two animals.
What if I have an emergency and need transport ASAP?
For Emergency/Urgent cases, we will try to make the necessary arrangements to transport your pets to the Vet Clinic or Hospital as soon as possible. We may be busy at that point of time with other jobs but we will try our utmost to assist you. Call us as to make the necessary arrangements for transport. Please note that will be a surcharge for last minute/urgent transport cases.
We are moving overseas, would you be able to make arrangements for our pet/s travel?
Call us and can advise you further on cost and travel documents and requirements for you pets. As travel and necessary medical checks and vaccines are required. You should call us as early as possible.
What happens if we would like to cancel the pet services?
Bookings must be made 48 hours prior to Pet Sitting/Transport date.

If there is a cancellation less than 24 hours notice,a cancellation fee of $100 will be incurred.